with the canning. We have been preserving fruit and berries, and
have a new supply of jam to eat on. Yum!
Let me see what has happened in the last month. Hmm.
Well... I've celebrated a birthday... been visited by family from
out of state... canned alot... and completed stitching 2 models.
They aren't big models, but they are very cute, and were rather
intricate all the same. Here are pictures:
H for Hearts - Sweetheart Tree

S for Stitching - Sweetheart Tree

Now I await my next commission. :)
I have been working in spurts on Cinderella, but have lost the
'mood' to stitch right now. I feel like I should take a few
days off, but will probably just push myself through. :) I did
attempt to shake off my stitching slump by starting a new project
(Queen Mermaid), but I am such a stickler for completing WIP
pics before starting new ones, that my conscience is pestering
me for leaving Cindy in the lurch. What is up with that? lol!
Prgress pics coming soon! ;)